This 2025, we begin the year with Mars Retrograde (appears to move slower than planet Earth), we have the opportunity to release pent up frustrations. January 6, 2025, Mars retrogrades from Leo into Cancer. Mars (the planet of action) we may feel stuck in certain situations. The solution is to find ‘peace with in ourselves”, arguing will only aggravate the situation. Mars stations direct in Cancer 23 February 2025. May we be present and grounded in our emotions; self-love is the key to this year’s many changes.
11 January 2025, the Nodes of Destiny (or fate) move into the Pisces-Virgo axis until 26 July 2025. The collective energy of the following year and a half will focus on healing, spirituality, and higher-minded endeavors. Our intuition and desires will help us transform into the people we want to become, dreaming our dreams into reality, so long as we are grounded and present.
1 March 2025, Venus is retrograde in Aires, when it is prudent to review our relationships. Are there emotion and intellectual connections or just physical. Before Venus retrogrades in Pisces, may we be forthright, so we do not become manipulative when red flags are flying high. Venus, besides love, also deals with themes of money and self-confidence.
Mercury Retrograde happens 3 times this 2025:
15 March – 7 April 2025 – Mercury in Aires and then Pisces is urging us to simply ‘go with the flow.’
18 July – 11 August 2025 -Mercury retrograde in Leo urges us to roar our feelings, rather than discussing them lightly. We may also lose our patience with travel and technology
9 November – 29 November 2025 – Emotions will run deep and tempers high, causing us to express ourselves passionately, as Mercury Retrogrades in Sagittarius and Scorpio.
Saturn moves forward on May 2, leaving Pisces and entering into Aires
The Lord of Karma, Saturn enters Aries from May 24 to September 1. Saturn in Aries is asking us to take charge. Taking control is what will drive us the most at this moment. We may decide to start our own business, assert ourselves when confronted by others, be direct with our bosses or management, or make impulsive decisions. Saturn’s splash in Pisces, which constitutes the bulk of 2025, helps us decide wisely, and without pressure. Let’s keep the faith!!
Uranus begins its seven-year switch on July 7
From July 7 to November 7, rebellious planet Uranus dances in Gemini, leading us to use our words as a form of revolution. We’ll share our unique thoughts and experiences on social media platforms that will inspire others to speak up and share their stories as well. The eccentric planet will be in Taurus for most of 2025, taming these sentiments—but Uranus in Gemini brings our true selves out of the woodwork, allowing us to be free, creating more stability as Jupiter exits its 7 year stay in Taurus.
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