Pluto, Saturn & Neptune
What does RETROGRADE mean?
A planet is RETROGRADE when the planet is moving slower than the Earth, thus it seems to be going backwards.
PLUTO, the planet of rebirth and transformation, stationed retrograde 2 May 2024, and is currently travelling through progressive-minded Aquarius. As Pluto is retrograde, it gives us (the collective) the opportunity to re-shape power structures that no longer serve us. Pluto will step back into Capricorn (Pluto was in Capricorn from 2015 – 2024), on Septemberr 1, 2024. Pluto will be back in humanitarian Aquarius 19 November 2024. Transformation with regard to authority and out-dated systems or power structures.
SATURN, the task master or rule-maker, stationed retrograde in dreamy Pisces, 29 June 2024. May we use the influence of the ringed planet to open our horizons and think outside the box. What does it REALLY take to have our wildest dreams come true? Father Saturn stations direct again 15 November 2024.
Nebulous NEPTUNE, the planet of illusion and dreams, stations retrograde in sensitive, intuitive Pisces 2 July 2024. When Neptune is retrograde, we are forced to take off our rose-colored glasses and see the world as it truly is. As Neptune is retrograde, we also see more clearly other people’s motivations. We are invited to ‘read between the lines’ until Neptune stations direct 7 December 2024.